Sunday, January 29, 2017

Update - 1/29/17

I have started several new commodity related positions the last 1-2 weeks.  New positions are 5-10% positions, nothing crazy, have 8% stops on these.  My exposure has ramped modestly.  I'm not full on aggressive but have some exposure on.  Here is the quick recap of my positions.

IWM - still have 1/4 of my position on (from 2016).  held the 50 day nicely.  still not out of the woods.

SPY - had a smaller position last year vs IWM, still have 1/2 my position on. With regard to the market, in short term I am concerned about the bullish Barron's cover this weekend and the lack of a true flush - low volatility.  But long term trend still intact for both IWM and SPY, need to keep some on.

VIAV - wave 3 can't be the shortest.  with breakout from flat base this week, this is going on a long run.  love the 50/200 days up.

CS - still hasn't had the flush I'm looking for yet for a second major setup.  still have my 10% position on from set/oct/nov.

Z - Still trading tight in the handle.  This one could go either way.  5% position.

REMX - rare earths!  broke out from a cup and handle, 200 day flatting/curling up, 50 day up.  after a long, long downtrend.  5% position.

SEA - similar to REMX.

GDX - had a second long bear market undercutting lows from a decade ago similar to our equity indices in 08/09.  Looks like it started an uptrend and then completed its first correction.  Just had a pocket pivot thru 50 day.

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