Sunday, February 11, 2018

Market Updates - A Bunch of Retests and Key Spots

We have had a nice market correction the last 2 weeks.  Here is an update on ideas I wrote about at year end or where I have positions outstanding:


Retest of trendline breakout of my favorite idea going into 2018.

CCJ (big URA component)

Another Retest.  Very pretty 9 week potential double bottom base (within a larger base)


I used Friday's woosh down to buy back the 1/3 of the position I sold in late 2017.  High conviction idea. The ideal add or new entry is somewhere between Friday's low (gap fill, near low of last base) and 200 day of ~24.  The strongest stocks sometimes don't undercut where you think they will.  We'll see about this one.  I view this correction as a buyable correction.   For you Elliot wave folks....I feel like we had 2 "1-2's" in 2016 and 2017.  We then had a big 3rd wave up with now a first 4th wave correction.  When this first 4th wave ends, we should get one more big 3rd wave.  For you trend followers, that 200 is a major spot for a very strongly trending security. 


Another retest.  On some measures, GDX is the weakest of the big commodity complexes.  That monthly is still super super tight.  Maybe this is a double "double bottom" of my favorites that I used for VRNT in the earlier part of this decade.  If it is and it wants to be proper, we need a true rinse of the 2017 lows.  I think we will get it.  

That's it.  Good luck on your trading.  Keep focusing on your very best ideas and set ups.  And keep learning.  

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