Monday, January 25, 2016

Market and Leaders Update - 1/24/16

Market Health

Still no follow through day.  The Market Indices did put in weekly hammer at key levels of support.  The August lows for the S&P and one of the support lines I drew for the Russell.  I am thinking the Russell turning is going to be a key for the overall market.

My best guess is we rally this week and then we make one more low.  For you Elliot Wavers, I think the Russell if carving out a zig-zag - a 5-3-5.  We have have now had 4 of the final 5.

Watch list update

I have removed one name from the watch list, N.  I didn't like that is made a lower low from its spring 2014 low.  My technical opinion was it was consolidating its gains from that low and getting ready to blast higher.  A lower low to me makes this look like a broken former leader for now.

My other 3 names have positive developments.  LITE is by far the most positive for the long term.

LITE - Put in its third week tight.  My best guess is this will pop and then make a lower low in this handle controlled fashion.  So far love the tightness and RS.

LNKD - They did reach for this on Friday unlike N.  This put in a nice weekly candle.  I have been trying to figure out if this is destined to make a new low vs early 2015.  Or whether this a proper low in a smaller base.  No pocket pivots.  This sits +30 point below 50 50 day and pivot point, with earnings in a week and half.  This does have accelerating bottom like EPS and so far little fundamental concerns compared to a TWTR.

VIAV - This looks the final leg down.  Put in week of accumulation.

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